It's time for Phonics: Phase 1 | short a


***All worksheets need a teacher or parent supervision.***

Guide to the It's Time for Phonics worksheet:

1. Have your child write their name.

2. Let them trace the letter in the box. They can also use color pencils when possible. 

    (Dialogue: This is small a.   a...a...   ) Let your child repeat after you.

3. Let's Write: Trace the letters and words. 

     First, trace the small a five times. 
     Next, trace apple. a-p-p-l-e. 
     Next, ax. a-x. 
     Last, ant. a-n-t.)

4.  Let's say the short a sound. 

    (Dialogue: This is an apple. This is an ax. This is an ant. a....a....ant.)
                       Recap:   (

5. What is the word?: Trace (or color) the words. Let your child spell each word properly.

   (Dialogue: This is an apple. Let's spell apple. a-p-p-l-e.)

6. Let's match: Have your child use a ruler to draw a line from the word to the corresponding image.    Guide your child in reading each word on the left. 

     Please use a ruler.
     Apple. Draw a line to the apple. )

Have fun!

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