Saying Goodbye to My First JHS School

 “It shouldn’t be easy to be amazing.  Then everything would be.  It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth.  When something’s difficult to come by, you’ll do that much more to make sure it’s even harder – or impossible – to lose.”
―Sarah Dessen

The time has come, on this time of year for all ALTs /NSs in Japan like me that you have to make a goodbye speech in front of all the students and teachers that you have worked with for months or years. This usually takes place in a gym. So probably, not many of them would be listening to what you say and if you intend to deliver your speech in English, make it as shorter and simpler as possible.

Here is my speech for the students:

Your great smiles. Your kindness. Your warm affection and sincerity make this school stand from all the rest. I will never forget ____________ Chugakkou because of you.

Six months is very short. And being(working) here is not enough. I am very pleased to have come(worked) here and meet all of you.

It is a wonderful time.

Honto ni!

I have three things to say to all of you...

Firstly, make time for everything. Simply putting focus on everything that you do, can greatly increase your chance to accomplish your dreams and get everything you want.

Secondly, laugh a lot and breath. Just breath.

And lastly, never give up.

Always believe in yourself! Good luck on your studies!

Rokkagetsu-kan o sewa ni narimashita!

Arigatou gozaimashita.

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