ALT Experience: Japan JHS School Teacher's Welcome and Farewell Party

Last night, I went to my first ever 歓送迎会(-kansougeikai-) Farewell and Welcome Party from my previous work school- It was such a bang! It was the only mere chance to be with my colleagues again and then there was, a very happy and unforgettable event that I can cherish always with my  experience working here as a teacher.
I have learned about more of the culture. How to pay respect and send cheerful goodbyes to the people that you have worked with in both good and bad times. There were a lot of happy moments. I think that 'pyoonpyoon' that was called out by a veteran teacher by the time of the speeches was soo cute. It was funny. I can say that this farewell party is a very nice tradition in Japan.

More to add soon about the kansougeikai.

For the meantime, here are the only shots from the party. Group shots with my colleagues.

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