LESSON PLAN: Horizon 2 Unit 2 Speaking 1 May I...?/ Could you....?

Good morning! Here is a suggestion for a 50 minute lesson using the May I....?/ Could you....? target language.

Students will be prompted to say the polite expression after evaluating a given problem written in Japanese.

Here are the 10 situation in no particular order:











Group card:

 Make a request!!!
○May I use the phone?
○May I ask a question?
○May I go to the restroom?
May I watch TV?
May I speak to Jenny?
Could you tell me the way to Kansai Airport?
Could you read this for me?
Could you call me at six?
Could you close the window?
Could you help me?
1. Start the class with greetings.
2. ALT does short chats with the students or ALT asks four questions to the students. (What's the date today?, What is the day today?, How's the weather? and What time is it?)
3. Have the JTE explain the target structure to the class. When JTE requires students to take notes, it may take around 20 minutes long. ALT does her/his share of the whole lesson by doing the activity after the JTE explanation.
4. Detailed explanation of the activity:  
   Materials needed: 5-6 sets of famous characters, B4 size or bigger, color printed and cut into 10-piece like in a puzzle. 10 Japanese situation cards, 6 Group card for each groups.  
      4.1 Divide the class into 5-6 teams.  
      4.2 Let them decide the order for each member.  
      4.3 Assign each group a puzzle that they need to finish. (I put each puzzles in a big envelop and numbered each of them. The numbers then are assigned to each team.  
      4.4 Activity starts as the teachers prompt go. First players from each group come to the front and pick any random Japanese card. Japanese cards are spread on the teacher's desk. 
      4.5 Students will read the situation, analyze and choose the appropriate polite expression from the group card. Student will go to the JTE/ALT assigned for them and say the English expression. Teachers monitor 3 teams each, holding the puzzles. Correct answers will grant the team one piece of puzzle. Teachers can use the responses 'Sure/OK./All right./No problem.'
      4.6 Each students from each team will go and pick a Japanese card. This will continue until they finish answering the 10 given Japanese situation.   
      4.7 The first team who completes the puzzle and able to say 'Who is the character?', 'It's.....' wins. Activity ends.
Note: You can let other teams finish their puzzles if there's time. With my other classes where the JTE allowed more time to do this activity with the students, we were able to do this activity twice. The result were surprising where students were able to think of the answers to each situations fast and more capable of saying the expressions in English smoothly. Second time challenges works best most of the time. Regarding the puzzles, I've used Shrek, Jack Sparrow, Steve of Minecraft, Mike of Monster Inc, Tom of Tom and Jerry, and lastly King Koopa. Students learned while having fun of the puzzles.

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