ALT Activity: END OF THE YEAR GAME | JHS 1 Review Fun Activity Battle Ship

Detailed Explanation:

Title: Battleship(derived from the famous game show Nep League Time Bomb)
Type: Concentration,  Brain-based Approach, Collaborative
Target: Any vocabulary
Materials: Pictures from any chosen categories

Download the images here. Categories list.

1. Class makes groups with 4 or 5 members (5s are favorable.). The teams are now crews on a Battleship at war with the other ships. One person in each team is the captain, another person is the shooter and the rest is the crew. Each ship has its own name. The captain’s job is to answer when their ship is called, the shooter’s job is to call out another ship’s name and the whole crew must each say a vocab word. (In my classes, all students are seated in rows. Each row is a team. The first student seated from the front is the captain and the last student seated at the last row is the shooter. With this arrangement, students can change their seating position and class don’t have to move the tables and chairs.)

2. The game starts by getting all captains to Janken. The winner picks a category and point value.

3. Each team has only 30 seconds to answer. The captain answers first by saying a vocab word, for example, let’s say the theme is food, they answer by saying bananas. Each crew member of that ship follows by saying in turn another food word until the last crew member is the shooter.

4. If the team don’t answer quickly within 30 seconds, their ship is sunk. Chance will be given to other sunken teams to revive. Chance can also be given to other teams to steal the point.

5. The shooter of the team who answered the questions then calls out the name of another ship. That ship’s captain picks a category and a point value again for their team. The game continues until only one ship is left or until the bell rings.

6. Conclusion: Sunken ships are zero points at the end of the game. The ship with highest score is the winner.

7. Comments: Can be made harder by not allowing students to repeat vocab words, otherwise, their ship is sunk.

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